免费2015-11-25火星救援在一次人类登陆火星的任务中,宇航员马克·沃特尼(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)经历了一场恶劣的风暴后,与他的机组成员失联,所有人都认为他在这次任务中丧生。然而,马克却幸运地活了下来,然而他发现自己孤单地置身于异星球。面对贫乏的生命补给,马克必须用他的聪明才智和顽强的精神存活下来,并找寻向地球发出“他还活着”求救信号的方法,而地球上的人也面临着是否前往火星去拯救他的分歧。影片改编自安迪·威尔的同名科幻小说。
免费2015-01-01黑洞Mattie Carver's world is turning curiouser and curiouser, as space and time seem to be collapsing all around her. Joined by a misfit team of friends, teachers, and two mysterious men in black, Mattie is in a race to restore her world to nor...
免费2015-05-08超能查派在不久以后的未来,米歇尔·布莱德利(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)的大型军火公司,制造出了全球第一批机器人警察,并派遣它们执行任务。程序员迪恩(戴夫·帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)是机器人警察的制造者之一。但他在工作之余,还有自己执着追寻的梦想:人类进化的下一步,“能思考,有感觉”的机器。迪恩向米歇尔·布莱德利寻求支持未果,转而利用公司的设备自行开始制造和实验,并成功地将拥有人工智能的机器人“查派”带到了这个世界。查派性格天真可爱,像个孩子一样不断学习,然而能够语言,能够思想,能够作画的机器人,引发了米歇尔·布莱德利,以及文森特(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)的恐慌,文森特驾驶机器战士找到迪恩,意欲除掉机器人查派,人类与机器之间的大战再度爆发……
VIP2015-01-01星坠地球WHERE DO YOU HIDE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD? As a rogue planet roars through our solar system, it acts as an intergalactic magnet that pulls Earth in its wake. Meteors destroy major cities. Fire and ice storms engulf the land. Casualties are in the millions. And as the situation grows even worse, Steve Lannon (Joe Lando of 'Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman') is determined to reunite with his wife (Michelle Stafford of 'The Young and the Restless' and 'General Hospital') and teenage daughter (Denyse Tontz of "All My Children"). But when they stumble into a secret government installation, they'll uncover a nuclear mission that will either blast our planet back into orbit or guarantee front row seats to the end of the world.