免费2007-01-01末路雷霆1920s. Vietnam under colonial French ruling. Anti-French rebellions emerge all over the country to disrupt the foreign occupiers. In respond, the colonialist employed units of Vietnamese agents to track and destroy these rebels. The film follows the journey of LE VAN CUONG, a French cultured undercover elite. Although branded with a perfect track record, Cuong's inner conscience is troubled by the sea of Vietnamese blood he had spilled to uphold a French washed ideal. Following an assassination of a high ranking French, Cuong is assigned to seek and kill the notorious leader of the resistance. Cuong encounters VO THANH THUY, a relentless revolutionary fighter and the daughter of the rebel leader. Cuong's superior intends for him to use Thuy as a mean to get to her father but Cuong soon has feelings for her. Thuy's patriotism ignites conflicts between Cuong's consciousness and his cultured faith. Will Cuong discover his inner-self and find love or will he continue his mission? The journey unfolds...
VIP2007-01-01蒙古王少年铁木真随父亲——乞颜部落首领也速该(Ba Sen 饰)远行,为了平复与仇敌蔑儿乞人之间的恩怨,也速该希望儿子选择蔑儿乞人的女儿为妻,而铁木真却选择了弘吉剌部落首领的女儿孛儿帖,并承诺五年后前来迎娶。归途中,也速该死于敌人塔塔儿人的毒酒,部落的牛马和牧民也被叛徒虏去。铁木真从少年时起便经历了人生困苦,他一面和母亲四处漂泊,一面躲避着仇家的追杀。长大成人的铁木真(浅野忠信 饰)依然生活在刀光剑影之中,纵然朝不保夕,他仍记得与孛儿帖的约定,终于将孛儿帖(Khulan Chuluun 饰)迎娶回家,生活开始出现转机。然一场灾难尾随而至,蔑儿乞人为报当年仇恨,射伤铁木真,虏去孛儿帖。伤愈的铁木真只得求助好友札木合(孙红雷 饰)……本片荣获包括2008年亚洲电影节最佳配角奖(孙红雷)、2007年俄罗斯金鹰电影节最佳服装设计和最佳音效在内等国际电影节11个奖项。