  • 免费2013-01-01都市.爱.欲望A modern Giallo horror film, CITY OF LUST tells the story of a lonely young woman who begins an unlikely relationship with dire consequences. Arianna is a young woman who moves to the city to escape a traumatic family life in the suburbs. She works as a cosmetologist and is showing early signs of formaldehyde poisoning. New to the city and lonely, she reaches out to a female sex line operator. They agree to meet and soon begin a volatile relationship. An altercation at work results in Arianna losing her job. Then, people in her life begin to turn up dead. With Arianna's health, career, and new relationship all disintegrating before her eyes, how much longer can she, and those around her, survive?
  • VIP2013-01-06鬼火独自一个人花一个晚上在一个闹鬼的剧院的大量现金奖。他会活到早上吗?
  • 免费2013-01-01死亡黑夜When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get murdered, the survivors need to discover who or what's killing them before it's too late.
  • VIP2013-01-01无数的圣诞老人A thousand years ago the world completely collapsed. War, famine, and greed killed off the human race. Not much remains except for the mutants, scum, and robo-people. Humanity is a long-lost notion. Everyone must kill to survive. Even Santa.
  • 免费2013-01-01逆转王牌影片刻画了神秘莫测的线上德州扑克的阴暗故事。Ben Affleck饰演的是一名腐败的线上德州扑克网站老板。而Anthony Mackie将饰演一名FBI警员。Timberlake饰演的角色会前往哥斯达黎加,去讨回他被Affleck饰演的角色所拥有的德州扑克网站欺诈的学费。
  • VIP2013-01-01午夜幽灵车  电影《午夜幽灵车》围绕上海街头一件“幽灵车”事件展开,警察万洪(邓钢饰)得知后深入调查此事,经过精心调查侦破了此案。在案件看上去尘埃落定之后,万洪始终觉得其中另有隐情,于是他决定与姜家三少爷联手,查出其中隐藏的更大阴谋,最终揪出了幕后黑手,案件这才水落石出。
  • VIP2013-02-01血肉之躯(普通话)他是一只生活在末世的僵尸,依稀只记得自己的名字里有个“R”。与世俗观念不同,作为僵尸他能够思考,依旧残存着些许生前记忆。R生活在废弃的班机上,喜欢收集唱片和饰品,除了吃人外似乎与常人没有两样。这一日,R和僵尸好友们外出觅食,期间遭遇一伙从隔离区来到污染区搜寻药品的人类。在残忍吞噬青年佩里的大脑后,R拥有了对方的记忆,由此也对和佩里同行而来的女孩朱莉产生恻隐与好感。他将女孩带回自己的住地,上演僵尸版“暮光之城”!
  • VIP2013-01-26孤岛惊魂2夜色浓重,腐烂的尸体上流出来黯黑冰凉 的血,死乌鸦蜿蜒覆盖了公路尽头,空气中弥漫着令人窒息的味道,诡异凄厉的惨叫声遍布小岛……这里是泰国K61猛鬼公路,被称作是无人生还的死亡之路。连日受到噩梦缠绕的周喜(邓家佳饰)只身来到泰国,在这里她遇到了自称姐姐前男友的神秘男子张来(陈志朋饰),两人决定一起冒险到K61寻找失踪姐姐的下落。鬼魅杀手则步步紧逼如影随形,当周喜自以为揭开一切谜底时,却掉入一个又一个精心设置的陷阱…… 
  • VIP2013-01-01冷瞳苏氏集团总裁苏光明在别墅遇鬼事件后,一日,苏光明的女儿(周秀娜饰)在别墅中从一台监视的DV中发现前男友钟伟强(孙祖杨 饰)与未婚夫许许博文(李璨琛 饰)半夜遭到“鬼抬床”,三人才发现貌似真的一切与鬼有关,随后已死去的房东表弟道出了别墅被诅咒的秘密:凡是入住过这栋别墅的人都离奇死亡,上吊、跳楼、弑妻等,而且更恐怖的说到有尸体被埋在别墅地板下面……
  • 免费2013-11-19地心引力  在美国太空站,一个男宇航员Matt Kowalsky(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)和女同事Ryan Stone(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)出舱修复望远镜时,卫星爆炸的碎片撞到了太空站,除了出舱的两人,其他人全部丧命。之后,漂浮在外、毫无凭借力的两人要想方设法地回到地球,他们遭遇了重重险情,Matt为了Ryan自我牺牲,让Ryan登上了一个废弃的俄罗斯空间站,并凭此再借力靠近中国的天宫一号,期间的各种故障让Ryan近乎绝望自杀。濒临绝境的两人最终能否再返回地球,答案就像这浩瀚的太空,一切未知……
  • 免费2013-01-01道格拉:吸血鬼Seven high-school friends begin their Euro-trip at the actual castle of Vlad the Impaler where he supposedly sold his soul to the devil over 500 years earlier, but the decrepit castle's past envelopes them in a bloody ritual.
  • 免费2013-01-01善与恶的房子After a family tragedy in the chaotic city, Chris and Maggie Conley, in a last-ditch effort to save their dying marriage, purchase an isolated home in the deepest woods, to which they quickly discover evil has a key.


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