免费1970-12-05空中怪客Brewster is an owlish, intellectual boy who lives in a fallout shelter of the Houston Astrodome. He has a dream: to take flight within the confines of the stadium. Brewster tells those he trusts of his dream, but displays a unique way of treating others who do not fit within his plans. When the fateful day arrives, and he enters the dome with his fanciful construction of bird wings, Brewster is surrounded by the police. Will he be caught before he attempts to fly? Written by Rick Gregory
免费1999-12-13机器管家机器人安德鲁(罗宾•威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)是尼尔家四代人的管家。原本尼尔一家只是当他一部机器来使用,但大家渐渐发现安德鲁不只是一个家务机器这么简单,他在日常还会和他们一起欢笑,懂得人类的习俗,体会人类的情感。安德鲁在尼尔家的女儿很小的时候就喜欢上她了,但由于没有他没有安装感觉模块,他任由她嫁给了一个错误的人。由于没有感觉,安德鲁可以在海边独自一人盖一栋房子生活。知道某天,他遇上了机械专家、科学狂人,为他安装上了感觉模块。至此,安德鲁才体会到什么是吃醋、什么是恋爱。经过一番努力,安德鲁终于完全融入了人类社会。最终,他和自己相爱的人得以长厢厮守,并在垂垂老矣时幸福死去……