免费2010-01-01美错« 美错 » (Biutiful)讲述了Uxbal的故事。他是一位慈祥的父亲,充满激情的恋人,不知所措的儿子。具有通灵能力的他接近死者,被鬼魂所召唤,能感受到精灵。从看不见的巴塞罗那城中幸运生存下来,感受到死神徘徊的他试图找回宁静的生活,保护自己的孩子,并拯救自我。Uxbal的故事既简单又复杂,反映了人们当下的生活。« Biutiful » is the story of Uxbal.Devoted father. Tormented lover.Mystified son. Underground businessman.Friend of the disposed. Ghost seeker. Spiritual sensitive.A survivor at the invisible margins in today’s Barcelona.Uxbal, sensing the danger of death, tries to reconcile with love and save his children, as he tries to save himself.Uxbal’s story is simple: just one of the complex realities that we all live in today.
免费2010-01-01遥远的街区 托马斯(莱奥·勒格兰德 Léo Legrand 饰)年过五十,一次机缘巧合之下,他回到了阔别已久的家乡,让他没有想到的是,自己竟然意外的穿越回了四十年前,衰老的灵魂回到了年轻的身躯之中,记忆深处似曾相识的回忆和景象如今一一栩栩如生地展现在了托马斯眼前。 就这样,托马斯得以重新见到了母亲安娜(亚历山德拉·玛丽亚·拉那 Alexandra Maria Lara 饰)和父亲布鲁诺(乔纳森·扎凯 Jonathan Zaccaï 饰),久别重逢的喜悦平静之后,他决定做一件他早就想做的事情。曾经,布鲁诺抛弃了安娜,而这一次,托马斯要利用这个千载难逢的机会改变这一历史。然而,无论怎样努力,父亲还是离开了,但是,这一次,托马斯终于知道了父亲做出这一选择的真正原因。
VIP2010-04-23我们的生活Claudio是罗马郊区一个建筑工地上的工人。他很爱自己的妻子,后者正怀着第三个孩子。一场意外的悲剧打破了他们简单幸福的生活。对生活感到愤怒的 Claudio将勇敢对抗自己所遭受的社会不公正。家庭与友人的支持及孩子们的爱将帮助他度过人生这一大劫。Claudio works on a site in the suburbs of Roma. He is madly in love with his wife who is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life. In a rage for life, Claudio energetically fights against the injustice that fell upon him. Love and support from his friends and family as well as the laughter of his children will help him to