VIP2012-01-01父亲劫朋克打扮的汀克(科纳·斯温尼 Conor Sweeney 饰)是一个正处在叛逆期的年轻人,他终日和朋友沃纳(盖瑞特·耐提克 Garrett Hnatiuk 饰)鬼混,偷盗、抢劫,无恶不作。可就在某天,厄运突然降临身边。亚哈的父亲被一个变态杀人魔残忍杀害,人生巨大的悲剧让他倍感混乱。来自教会的沙利文神父愿意为他提供帮助,却遭到安德鲁的拒绝。在此之后,沙利文神父找来了亚哈(亚当·布鲁克斯 Adam Brooks 饰),与汀克、约翰神父(马修·肯尼迪 Matthew Kennedy 饰)等有着相同人生经历的人们联手,一起寻找那名专门在父亲节残杀父亲的恶魔……本片荣获2011年多伦多暮色电影节观众奖最佳影片奖。
VIP2008-07-25X档案:我要相信自2002年X档案的六年后,前联邦探员丹娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰)调任某教会医院担任医师,福克斯·穆德(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)则过着隐居的生活,继续着对超自然现象的关注。某天,FBI探员前来请求他们的帮助。原来一段时间内,维吉尼亚州接连有数名女子神秘失踪,其中甚至包括一名联邦探员。由于神父约瑟夫(Billy Connolly 饰)声称看到了犯罪画面,因此FBI希望对超自然案件有着丰富经验的穆德和斯科莉协助调查。然而随着调查的深入,穆德和斯科莉却发现案件的黑暗远远超出他们的想象。这对合作多年的搭档面临着巨大的考验……本片为同名美剧的第二部剧场版。
免费2009-04-24月蚀Michael Farr (Ciarán Hinds) is a teacher raising his two children following the death of his wife two years earlier. Experiencing strange phenomena late at night around his family home, Michael isn't sure if he is dreaming or if something more sinister is at play. A distraction lies in an international literary festival that his town plays host to which attracts authors from all over the world. Working as a volunteer for the festival, Michael is assigned to look after Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejle), an attractive writer of ghost stories and tales of the supernatural. Becoming attracted to Lena, Michael tells her of his experiences. However, Lena's attention is drawn away by Nicholas Holden (Aidan Quinn), a bestselling novelist who harbours his own issues with letting go of the past.