VIP2015-03-05帕丁顿熊故事围绕一只年轻的秘鲁小熊展开。这只喜欢吃柠檬酱的小熊(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)从暗无天日的秘鲁抵达伦敦,在伦敦的的帕丁顿站迷路了,它呆在失物招领处外,坐在一只被压扁行李箱上,大衣上挂着一个牌子:“请照顾这只熊。谢谢。”于是遇到了一个人类家庭并与他们朝夕相处,因为小熊的秘鲁名字没人能明白,所以善良的人类家庭就根据车站的名字给这只小熊起名叫帕丁顿,他见到的每个人都对其喜爱有加。但是,只有米莉森特(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)除外,她是一个恶毒的博物馆长,一心只想着把这个可爱的小家伙制成标本关进她的博物馆里……电影改编自迈克尔·邦德的英国童话畅销书。
免费2004-01-01僵尸肖恩肖恩(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)事业不如意,爱情也不怎么顺心。认识了一帮同样游手好闲的朋友,整天和他们厮混,包括皮特,和只会打机和讨人厌的艾德。难得肖恩为了女朋友振作一次,却遭到同事嘲笑,女友也不能会意,肖恩只有继续和朋友醉酒纵乐。但这天整个城市却有了翻天覆地的变化。僵尸入侵了,只要是被他们咬到的人,都会随之变成僵尸。而肖恩正和艾德在酒吧里豪饮,却发现陷入僵尸的重重包围中。现在肖恩必须拿出英雄气概,去捍卫家人朋友。
免费1971-04-16聪明笨伯古惑车At Altra Motors, Mr. Hulot designs an ingenious camper car with lots of clever features. A lorry hauls the prototype to an important auto show in Amsterdam, with Mr. Hulot alongside in his car and a spoiled, trendy PR exec, the young Maria, in her sports car packed with designer clothes and her fluffy dog. The lorry has every imaginable problem, delaying its arrival. A flat tire, no gas, an accident, a run-in with police, a stop at a garage, and numerous traffic jams showcase vignettes of people and their cars. Through interactions with these down-to-earth folks, Maria gradually loses her imperious conceit, becoming much more relaxed and fetching.