免费1997-03-16钟楼怪人Based on the novel, a young gypsy becomes a Minister's obsession in 1483. Only the bell ringer and her husband and the court of miracles can save her.
免费2010-01-01美错« 美错 » (Biutiful)讲述了Uxbal的故事。他是一位慈祥的父亲,充满激情的恋人,不知所措的儿子。具有通灵能力的他接近死者,被鬼魂所召唤,能感受到精灵。从看不见的巴塞罗那城中幸运生存下来,感受到死神徘徊的他试图找回宁静的生活,保护自己的孩子,并拯救自我。Uxbal的故事既简单又复杂,反映了人们当下的生活。« Biutiful » is the story of Uxbal.Devoted father. Tormented lover.Mystified son. Underground businessman.Friend of the disposed. Ghost seeker. Spiritual sensitive.A survivor at the invisible margins in today’s Barcelona.Uxbal, sensing the danger of death, tries to reconcile with love and save his children, as he tries to save himself.Uxbal’s story is simple: just one of the complex realities that we all live in today.
免费2006-01-01将爱放逐以處女作《歸鄉》拿下威尼斯金獅獎的安德烈薩金塞夫,新作描述帶著妻兒返鄉定居的男主角,在展開新生活之際,卻從妻子口中得知即將誕生的孩子不是他的骨肉。從樹梢開展到水塘的超長鏡頭,俯瞰生命無常,呼喚著塔科夫斯基式的俄國靈魂;一個意外,就足以傾塌人倫的地基。飾演好妒丈夫的康斯坦丁拉朗尼柯,榮膺本屆坎城影帝。A husband and wife with two children come from an industrial city to the countryside, to the husband’s birthplace, to stay in his father’s old house. In contrast to the old setting in the city, the new setting seems like a natural idyll. Life there will demand great sacrifices…