免费2012-01-01新灰姑娘Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a brilliant conductor. After Aurora's mother died, Valerio hired Irene, a single mother of two girls, to run the household. To Aurora's regret he decides to marry Irene. One day, Aurora happens to meet the boys next door, Freddy and Sebastian, the sons of a wealthy Italo-Austrian family. Freddy is an easy-going chap, though sometimes a little bit arrogant. His brother Sebastian is kind and shy, with a great ability to listen to and understand people, which makes him win Aurora's heart. However, Aurora's life is shattered when her father suddenly dies. Irene, the unloved stepmother, lays hands on the family's assets and turns her late husband's villa into a hotel. Aurora is unable to claim her right to inheritance until her 21st birthday. Irene makes her give up schooling and piano playing. Instead, she has to work as a maid in the hotel. Irene's own daughters, Lucia and Teresina, n...
免费2002-01-01战场上的布谷鸟故事发生在1944年的秋天,芬兰士兵维伊克(威勒·哈派塞罗 Ville Haapasalo 饰)和苏军少尉伊万(克多·贝彻科夫 Viktor Bychkov 饰)都走到了各自人生的尽头。维伊克因为违反了军令而被锁在了一块巨大的岩石上,而伊万则因遭到诬陷而坐上了前往审判场的汽车。神秘女人安娜(安妮·克里斯汀娜·朱索 Anni-Kristiina Juuso 饰)的出现成为了两人最后的希望,她不仅将垂危的两人从死亡线上挽救了回来,还将他们带到了自己所居住的,犹如世外桃源般的仙境之中。在那里,三个语言互不相同的人开始了他们的奇异生活,对于这种平静而友好的生活,每个人都乐在其中。停战的消息传来了,这意味着三人生活无法再继续下去,面对心中涌现的感情,依维柯和伊万再一次的站到了人生的十字路口前。