免费2007-01-01心的归属Katelyn 'Kate' Weston, a country girl who became a lawyer and joined an L.A. law firm years ago, specializes in defending minors having committed violent crimes who nobody else takes on. She gradually got estranged from her family, but then her older brother Ryan asks her to return to the farm he runs with their dad Thane who has become impossibly absentminded. By the time he is formally diagnosed with serious Alzheimer, she realizes how badly she really knew her family, having ran from her past after the trauma of witnessing her mother's suicide at age seven, and tries to talk it trough with Ryan and dad while he still has lucid moments.
VIP2007-01-01迷幻公园迷幻公园是这个城市滑板少年的聚集之地,当然,这里也是犯罪的多发地带。少年阿历克斯(盖博•纳文斯 Gabe Nevins 饰)迷恋上了这个公园,每天他都要到这里来,虽然他玩滑板不是很在行,但是能静静的坐在边上,欣赏场内各个高手各种各样的滑板花招,他已经感到十分快乐。然而,那天发生的一次事件却令到阿历克斯即使听到别人提起迷幻公园都十分局促不安。阿历克斯每天都在经历着一番剧烈的心理斗争,他惊恐、他害怕、他迷惘。最终阿历克斯会走向何方?
免费2007-12-14鼠来宝戴维·塞维尔(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)是洛杉矶一名郁郁不得志的词曲作者,他不分白天黑夜,努力创作,但作品总也得不到唱片公司老板的赏识。某天,满腔愤怒的戴维在家中大发雷霆,这时,三只来自大山的花栗鼠艾尔文(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)、西蒙(马修·格雷·古柏勒 Matthew Gray Gubler 配音)、西尔多(杰西·麦卡尼 Jesse McCartney 配音)闯入戴维的生活。戴维惊讶地发现,这三个顽皮胡闹的小家伙不仅会说话,而且还能和声唱歌。于是他和小家伙们达成协议,它们可以在家中居住,但是必须演唱戴维创作的歌曲,妙趣横生的故事也由此展开……本片荣获2008年儿童选择奖最受欢迎电影。