VIP2003-12-13鲁宾逊漂流记205 min (2 parts)鲁宾逊是南美洲圣路易港附近的一个甘蔗种植园的庄园主。为了满足其他庄园主的要求,鲁宾逊告别老朋友临终前托付他照料的女儿依莎贝拉,乘圣卢西娅号船帮他们去非洲洽谈生意。1744年3月航行途中船长和大副等人改变航向要去圣多明哥买奴隶,逼迫鲁宾逊上一条小船,把他丢在海上。鲁宾逊拼尽全力划船来到一个荒岛。没想到第二天,他在海边发现了被暴风雨击毁的圣卢西娅号船。鲁宾逊将船上的时生活用品和一只小狗搬上小岛,在充满危险的荒岛上开始了孤独的生存努力。他在岛上打猎捕鱼,修房子,开垦田地,几经磨难,艰难度日。他试图靠他造的木筏离开小岛,终未成功。绝望之中,鲁宾逊发现了人的痕迹,使他重燃活的勇气。鲁宾逊解救了一个被野人俘虏的印第安人,与他结为伙伴,并给他起名叫星期五。星期五帮助鲁宾逊打猎种地,照料他的生活,而鲁宾逊教给星期五语言,开发他的心智,两人在交流中相处,成为好友。鲁宾逊遇到圣卢西娅号上唯一活下来的大副,大副企图至鲁宾逊于死地,被星期五打死。一天英国黑王子号船来到小岛,鲁宾逊和星期五帮助船长理查德制服了船上的反叛者。鲁宾逊携星期五搭乘这条船离开生活了十五年的小岛,回到家乡和依莎贝拉团聚。但鲁宾逊无法在奴隶制盛行的南美洲久留,他带着星期五和依莎贝拉前往欧洲播撒新思想的种子。 (10月8日和10月15日周日影院播出)
免费1983-01-01幸运卢克之达尔顿的遗产The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version).No sooner have the Daltons entered the jail than they are met by a lawyer named Augustus Betting. Betting informs the brothers that their Uncle Henry Dalton has died by hanging. However, over the course of his criminal career, Henry Dalton amassed quite a fortune, and has chosen to leave it all to his nephews on the condition that they kill the judge and jury who sentenced him to death. To make sure that the task is completed, Henry Dalton states in his will that his nephews must be accompanied by the only honest man that he has ever known, Lucky Luke. If the task is not successfully completed, the entire fortune will instead be given to charity.The brothers then decide to tunnel out of the jail, but end up digging into the dynamite storage building. When Averell lights a match, the building blows